Saturday, May 7, 2011

Behavior Modifications

Behavior modification strategies such as behavior contracts and worksheets are beneficial in reinforcing and promoting positive behavior. Similarly inappropriate behaviors are looked at more closely and background information is given as to why the student may be acting the way they do. Behavior modification worksheets and/or contracts can be made to fit each individual student accordingly. Below I adapted 2 behavior modification tools that I found online (Watson, n.d.) and used it with one of my students with great success.
“I can do this!” is a good strategy to use for students who don’t really participate by raising their hand, as well as for students who keep shouting out. With this system you monitor how many times the student either shouts out/raises their hand. By the end of the day tally up and see how the student did. Your goal is for the student to be more aware of their behaviors and to become self reliant. You can offer a reward if they have reached a specified goal.
“Behavior Assessment” is a worksheet that is completed by relevant teachers and the student so as to point out inappropriate behaviors and target how to modify these negative behaviors through successful intervention strategies. This should be done with the student present, so that they know what they are working towards, and it will motivate them to try! Functional Behavior Assessments templates can be found online. The one below is adapted from . Search the internet and you will find many templates that you can adapt to meet the needs of your student. What behavior modification strategies do you use that have proved helpful to those energetic/less motivated students? Angelik.

People Present:

Describe any inappropriate/negative behaviors observed (Physical, Verbal, Other)
Describe what precedes (triggers) the inappropriate/negative behaviors:


Select 1 or 2 behaviors to be modified

Describe any unsuccessful intervention approaches:

List possible potential successful approaches:

Describe the new behavior goals Include consequences and reinforces

Date for Review:___________________________________________

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